Statement of Responsibility for Attendee’s

Falls City High School encourages people who are sick, at risk, or could endanger others through their employment to stay at home and view the game on Falls City Striv channel.

People not recommended not to attend the game:

1. The elderly.

2. People with underlying medical conditions.

3. Family members who live with elderly people or those who are at risk.

4. People who have upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms.

5. People who live with someone with upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms.

6. People with COVID-19 or live with someone with COVID-19.

7. People who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.


Upon arrival, Falls City fans will be entering the stadium and paying at the south table of the north gate.  Visitors will pay at the north table at the north gate.  Both tables will be marked visibly. We ask that all paying patrons practice 6ft. social distancing as they come into the stadium.

After the game, Falls City fans will exit the stadium through the north gate and proceed to the parking lot and away from the main entrance.  Visiting fans will exit the stadium through the double north gate (directly by the concession stand), and proceed to the parking lot.

The commons area in front of concession stand needs to be clear of any large groups of spectators before, during, or after the game.

Masks are highly recommended but not required.

Fellowship, social gatherings, or other functions before or after the game on school grounds will not be permitted.

It is essential that those attending the football game adhere to social distancing when they arrive, during the game, and as they depart the game.

 By following recommended protocol, we have the best opportunities to keep our students, staff, parents, and community safe.


Announcements:(Before/during game) 

* Falls City fans are asked to sit every other row. Family members are asked to sit together and social distance from other families.



* Falls City will use the south window ONLY.

* (Visiting school) will use the east window ONLY.



* Falls City will use the restrooms under the stadium.

~ Women’s on the north end / Men on the south end / Handicap on the south end.

* (Visiting school) will use the rest room east side of concession stand & Porta Potty.


Conclusion of the game

* We ask that all fans exit the stadium after the game concludes and to limit gatherings.

* No students allowed on the field or track at the conclusion of the game.